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How to become super intelligent

increase your intelligence


There are countless Number of things human beigns desire in life and one of them is intelligence.
Everyone in life wants to become very intelligent so that their dreams and aspirations would be achieved,
With high intelligence(high IQ) you could understand Almost everything did I say Almost everything? well if not Everything you're being taught either in school or elsewhere.
But there is one downside to this,not everyone happens to be intelligent (don't feel bad!!)
but cheer up!! That's not the end of it in this Amazing post I am going to reveal to you working methods to achieve high level of intelligence within a short while, and believe me everything about your life will change and you're going to find fufillment in your life.

1.Make Reading a habit


I know you would be expecting this one but the truth betold it is inevitable reading actually widens your horizons IT PUTS THE BRAIN TO WORK
reading increases your level of thinking. If you don't read the brain simply becomes dormant just like a machine that is no longer in use but when you read the brain becomes very active cos of INPUT always brings with it alongside OUTPUT
Try to read at least 1:30 minutes a day.
Read random stuffs from politics, to history, to Science. And so on, after all life is all about learning,and learning never ends
its just a continuous process.

2.Learn new things


Yeah,this one is very important cos it plays over 30% role in acquiring intelligence.
Learning is quite different from reading, You can learn to type words on a monitor without looking at the keyboard with 90%+ accuracy.

You can learn a new sports to improve your intelligence,such as ping pong(table tennis),basketball and what have you?.
You can learn how to play games like Sodoku to improve on your memory or ludo, even card
The fact is that games help a lot in developing your intelligence, especially games that depends on the individual's level of thinking and reasoning

You can also learn new words everyday, say 3 to 4 words a day would be perfect. in Just a year you might have probably lear nt 3 X 365 words which you will agree with me is a great achievement.

You can also endeavor into the computer world which am part of and learn some web programs Such as html,css,JavaScript,jQuery e.t.c Or even learn how to sew,take awesome photographs,step into the blogosphere (blogging) or even become a writer you never can tell.

All these are geared toward increasing your capacity to learn and thus become more intelligent.

3.Teach what you've learnt


This one plays a very vital part in your quest in becoming more intelligent

The principle can be explained with this simple sentence "When You teach, you understand better"

Its as simple as that.

This will help you go a long way in acquiring intelligence



I know 90% of those who reads this article will get shocked at this point,but writing Helps a lot in retaining memory.honestly speaking,it helps you remember what you've learnt or read.
which is what am doing now.
It also increases the rate at which you think. It just plays a very important role in your quest to becoming Limitless



We all think best when we're well rested. A clear, alert brain allows us to focus, learn and remember information, and to be creative. On the other hand, when we're sleepy, we make more mistakes and are less productive in school and at work. Healthy sleep puts us in the right state of mind to take in information as we go about the day. Not only that, we need a good night's sleep to process and retain that information over the long term. Sleep actually triggers changes in the brain that solidify memories—strengthening connections between brain cells and transferring information from one brain region to another. Researchers have tested this process by teaching people new skills and then scanning their brains after a period with or without sleep. When people have a chance to sleep, for example, after practicing a skill similar to piano scales, the centers of the brain that control speed and accuracy are more active than those regions in people who haven't slept. Scientists think that while we sleep, memories and skills are shifted to more efficient and permanent brain regions, making for higher proficiency the next day. In fact, sleeping shortly after learning new information has been shown to help retention. Some research indicates that when people learn before going to sleep (or even before taking a nap), they remember the information better in the long term. Sleep also helps us synthesize new ideas, not just remember the old ones. While you're sleeping, pieces of knowledge can be pulled together from different experiences and parts of the brain to create novel concepts or "ah ha" moments. That's a big help when you're trying to solve a problem or make an advance in your work. In a new twist to the story of sleep and learning, researchers have seen that we may actually be able to learn new information while we sleep. To test this idea, scientists exposed people to a sound and a pleasant smell while they slept. After the subjects woke up in the morning, they started sniffing when they heard the sound (even though it wasn't followed by a smell). In other words, they had learned the association while they slept. The science of sleep and learning continues to grow, but it's clear that the brain needs adequate sleep to sort through our experiences, so that we can remember and function at our best and most creative the next day.



A large study conducted at the Sahlgrenska Academy and Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg, Sweden, reveals that young adults who regularly exercise have higher IQ scores and are more likely to go on to university. The study was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), and involved more than 1.2 million Swedish men. The men were performing military service and were born between the years 1950 and 1976. Both their physical and IQ test scores were reviewed by the research team. The results of the analysis reveal a clear link between physical fitness and IQ test scores. In particular, verbal comprehension and logical thinking show the greatest association with fitness. However, strength was not associated with an increase in IQ.

7.Ask questions


I don't think there is need for explanation, since This one is a (un)common sense. the more questions you ask the more answers you get. therefore increasing your level of understanding,knowledge and as well intelligence 8.Solve problems your self


This is where you try to exercise your brain by trying to solve problems yourself cos when you do that your brain recognises the fact that it is hightime you put it to work and get used to profer solutions on its own.
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[Fri-10-15] kosi :

Nice one
