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Unknown facts about immortality


1. Two things are certain in this world: We are born, and wedie. But must we? Billionaire Dmitry Itskov and his group the2045 Initiative want to cheat death by creating artificialbodies to house human intelligence.

2. Itskov and friends think they can develop a hologram“avatar,” housing an individual’s

personality in an artificialbrain, within three decades.

3. Terasem’s LifeNaut project claims to offer longevity today.All you need to do is create a LifeNaut account and upload asmuch information about yourself as possible. Apparently the“mindfile” may be used to reconstruct you in the future.

4. Immortality isn’t merely a 21st-century quest. In the thirdcentury B.C., Chinese Emperor Qin Shi Huang ingestedmercury to gain eternal life. It didn’t work. 5. We don’t know if anyone tried to resurrect Qin, but in the1980s, anthropologist and ethnobotanist Wade Davisdocumented cases of the “dead” rising from their graves in Haiti.

6. Davis claimed that by ingesting tetrodotoxin, a neurotoxinin pufferfish and other species, the living appeared to be deceased and could later be “resurrected.”

7. Reviving the dead for real was a focus of the SovietUnion’s Institute of Experimental Physiology and Therapy,overseen by Sergei Bryukhonenko.

8. The 1940 video Experiments in the Revival of Organisms supposedly demonstrated the institute’s reanimation oforgans and even decapitated dog heads.

9. Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, aviator CharlesLindbergh, along with scientist Alexis Carrel, conceived ofmany inventions and procedures to extend human life, suchas an artificial heart perfusion pump. Lindbergh died ofcancer in 1974.

10. While we humans obsess about achieving immortality,other organisms seem to do it effortlessly. In 2014, scientistsrevived Pithovirus sibericum, a virus preserved for 30,000years in Siberian permafrost, simply by letting it thaw.

11. The immortal jellyfish (Turritopsis dohrnii) actuallyreverses its life cycle. An adult transforms itself throughtransdifferentiation — converting one type of cell intoanother — back into a juvenile form.

12. Members of another “immortal” species, the tinyinvertebrate Bdelloid rotifers, are all female and reproduce byspawning identical clone daughters.

13. Scientists have been taking a cue from the little rotifersand cloning mammals for nearly 20 years, beginning in 1996with Dolly the sheep, created by Ian Wilmut’s team at theRoslin Institute in Edinburgh.

14. Dolly developed age- related conditions early and died atage 6; sheep often live to 12. Researchers found she hadprematurely shortened telomeres, protective caps on the endsof chromosomes that reduce with age.

15. Although Dolly ignited an ethical debate about cloninganimals, the practice has grown and gone commercial: SouthKorea’s Sooam Biotech regularly clones pets for about,000.

16. Human reproductive cloning is widely prohibited, buttherapeutic cloning — creating stem cells that are a geneticmatch to the patient — is more generally accepted becausethe cells are used to treat disease.

17. Unlike most other types of cells, which are programmed todie after a certain number of divisions, stem cells areimmortal because they can multiply infinitely. Unfortunately,so can cancer cells.

18. The most famous case of cancer-based immortality is thatof Henrietta Lacks, who died of cervical cancer in 1951. Cellsfrom her malignancy were cultured and used to start a cellline, called HeLa, which lives on to this day in research labsaround the world.

19. HeLa cell-based research has been instrumental indeveloping vaccines and fighting AIDS and cancer, but it hasnot been without controversy. No one informed or obtainedconsent from Lacks or her family to culture her cells.

20. Only in 2013, more than 60 years after her death, did theNational Institutes of Health and Lacks’ descendants agreehow her cells and genetic information would be used. Thearrangement establishes a precedent in cell line researchethics, granting Lacks a new legacy — itself a kind ofimmortality.

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